Bouw van de Turk Stream
Only three or four firms in the world are capable of providing this training.
Seaway Heavy Lifting
In several projects such as the Conoco Viking A Complex Project, dismantling of oil rigs (1996). With personnel such as foremen, welders, boatswains and sailors on board the Stanislav Yudin. Successful Complete project Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse viverra mauris eget tortor imperdiet vehicula. Proin egestas diam ac mauris molestie hendrerit. […]
Ocean Pacific Shipping Corp
With personnel such as welders, senior welders, mechanics, in the following ships of the company: Hermod, Balder, Thialf, etc. Successful Complete project Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse viverra mauris eget tortor imperdiet vehicula. Proin egestas diam ac mauris molestie hendrerit. Words is roughly being maintained. Previous casing is maintained. Letters or […]
Maritime Contractors van Allseas
Met personeel zoals lassers, pijpfitters, lasassistenten, technici voor projecten op de volgende schepen van het bedrijf: Solitaire, Lorelay, Tog Mor, Trenchsetter.