Met personeel zoals lassers, pijpfitters, lasassistenten, technici voor projecten op de volgende schepen van het bedrijf: Solitaire, Lorelay, Tog Mor, Trenchsetter.
Successful Complete project
Construction of the pipe laying ship “Solitaire” in Singapore.
- Sable Offshore Energy Project in Canada on board the Lorelay, Solitaire and Trenchsetter.
- Diana/Hoover Development Project in the Gulf of Mexico, on board the Solitaire and Lorelay.
- Allegheny Oil Export Pipeline Project in the Gulf of Mexico, on board the Lorelay.
- Malampaya Project in the South China Sea, on board the Solitaire.
- Marshall and Madison Flowline System Project in the Gulf of Mexico, on board the Lorelay.
- NCMA Field Development Project in Trinidad on board the Lorelay.
- Maguns EOR Pipeline Installation Project to the west of the Shetlands on board the Solitaire.
- King Development Project in the Gulf of Mexico on board the Solitaire. Pipe laying.
- 2nd Interconnector Pipeline Project in the Irish Sea, on board the Solitaire, Trenchsetter and Tog Mor.
- Tasmanian Natural Gas Pipeline Project in Tasmania and Australia on board the Lorelay.
- Nakika Export Pipeline System Project in the Gulf of Mexico on board the Lorelay and Solitaire.
- Bombax Pipeline Project in Trinidad on board the Solitaire.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse viverra mauris eget tortor imperdiet vehicula. Proin egestas diam ac mauris molestie hendrerit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse viverra mauris eget tortor imperdiet vehicula. Proin egestas diam ac mauris molestie hendrerit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse viverra mauris eget tortor imperdiet vehicula. Proin egestas diam ac mauris molestie hendrerit.